Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Child's Health Begins with the Parent

Building a Healthier World, One Family at a Time

The L.E.A.N. Programs® are a family of workshops developed by William Sears M.D. and Exercise Physiologist, Sean Foy, MA. These educational programs utilize Dr. Sears’ simple techniques for parents and children in making nutrition fun, tasty, and easy to understand and implement. Additionally, Dr. Sears and Mr. Foy provide creative ways for children to get the proper amount of exercise.

The L.E.A.N. Programs focus on the four pillars of health
L - Lifestyle (How we live)
E - Exercise (How we move)
A - Attitude (How we think)
N - Nutrition (How we eat)

Whether a child is underweight, overweight, or “just right,” parents will learn practical and time-saving ways to keep their child healthy amidst the busyness of life.

“The best gift you can give a child, is the gift of health”
~ William Sears, M.D.

Fact, Stats & Who Can Benefit

Fact: A child's lifestyle, exercise, attitude & nutrition affect their:
• Learning
• Behavior
• Attitude
• Actions
• Energy
• Happiness
• Performance
• Self-esteem

Sad Stats:*
• 1 in 3 children born in 2000 will get diabetes
• 1 in 3 children in the US are overweight or obese
• 80% of overweight children will become obese adults
• Government policy for obesity is failing
• Current school nutrition standards were updated in the 1970's
• The USDA's Food Pyramid is a failure
• Obesity related costs are over $100 billion per year - something we all pay for.
*Centers for Disease Control, Trust for America's Health, William Sears, MD

Who can benefit?
Community (i.e. Rec centers, faith based, scouts, social groups, city/county)
Women Groups (i.e. MOPS, Moms clubs, play groups, WIC)
Education (i.e. school districts, charter schools, private schools, childcare facilities, parent universities)
Healthcare (i.e. Doctor's office, hospitals, insurance co, chiropractors, acupuncture, Psychologists, non-profit organizations)
Business (i.e. corporations employee education, wellness programs, kid based businesses)

Make it a night of fun and learning for your family or group! Private and group classes available.

L.E.A.N. Essentials

L.E.A.N. Essentials is a fun, interactive and educational course for parents and caregivers who have limited time or may want to initially take small steps towards learning more about nutrition and healthy living for their children and families.

Parents and caregivers are provided the basic framework to begin moving towards healthier choices and behaviors in a 2-hour course taught by Christine Appleton, Certified L.E.A.N. Coach. Participants learn through direct instruction, group participation and by "filling in the blanks" of their L.E.A.N. Essentials workbook.

Subjects discussed include:
~Why should you care about what your children eat?
~Traffic Light Eating
~Why Breakfast is Important
~The Skinny on Fat
~How Much Protein is Enough?
~Play Helps Kids Grow!
~Water can be Cool!
~Know the NO's
~Myth Busters

L.E.A.N. Start

L.E.A.N. Start is a fun and interactive educational program that provides parents and caregivers the tools and information to:
~Develop a lifetime of achievable healthy habits for the entire family
~Improve the mood, learning and behavior of children through proper nutrition
~Avoid nutrition related diseases such as type II diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, respiratory problems and cancer
~Make nutrition at home easy and fun, while preparing healthy food that tastes great
~Keep children and family members physically active

L.E.A.N. Start is taught by Christine Appleton, Certified L.E.A.N. Coach. It is a 2-hour class that meets for 4 consecutive weeks.

Topics presented during class are as follows:
~Traffic Light Eating and Portion Control
~Breakfasts & Grains
~Veggies & Fruit
~The Skinny on Fat
~Power up with Protein and Play!
~Water Your Growing Child

L.E.A.N. Start provides parents and caregivers practical tools that make nutrition simple, fun and easy to implement; this results in children who are much more likely to begin healthy behaviors and maintain them for a lifetime.

Class Schedule

I am currently working with Bounce Boot Camp to schedule classes in the Anthem/North Phoenix area. Stay tuned...

If you are interested in having a class offered at your facility (work, school, gym, etc) please contact me at christine@drsearsleanprograms(dot)com (please use .com, it was written that way to avoid spam)

Thank You & Enjoy a Happy, Healthy 2012!

Other L.E.A.N. Services

In order to get the most out of the following service, please complete a L.E.A.N. Essentials or L.E.A.N. Start class first.

Pantry Makeovers

An in-home lesson to help you understand what is really in your pantry.

About Dr. Sears

~America’s most trusted source for child rearing (according to Parenting/Baby Talk Survey 2007)
~Renowned author with over 35 books and numerous scientific articles
~Over 100 television appearances, including: Dr. Phil, Oprah, 20/20, CNN, Dateline
~Medical and parenting consultant for Parenting Magazine & Baby Talk Magazine
~Popular “” website gets 30,000+ unique visitors per day
~An expert on family nutrition
~35 years in practice in San Clemente, CA with his son’s, Dr. Jim, Dr. Bob & Dr. Pete
~Associate Clinical Professor at University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
~Pediatric training: Harvard Medical School’s Children Hospital & The Hospital for Sick Children – Toronto
~ Fellow: American Academy of Pediatrics & The Royal College of Pediatricians

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why L.E.A.N. Programs?
A: In 2007, the New England Journal of Medicine stated that “one in three children and adolescents are overweight or obese”. Obesity-related conditions and diseases often translate to increased medical costs, and reduced quality of life. Type II Diabetes in children is on the rise, with one out of three children born in the year 2000 expected to develop the disease.

The L.E.A.N. Programs are for overweight, underweight, or “just right” children, because a child’s nutrition and physical activity can affect their health, their behavior and their ability to learn. The L.E.A.N. Programs are simple and practical educational programs designed to teach parents basic behaviors that will empower them to raise healthy children and be healthier parents.

Q: Is this a diet program?
A: No, this is a lifestyle program taught to the parents and caregivers of children ages 3-12 (but everyone can benefit from this program). Dr. "Bill" Sears says that children should not "diet", but should maintain their weight until they grow more and "lean out". The L.E.A.N. Programs teach parents how to teach their children to choose the right foods and stay active with play.

Q: Who should take a L.E.A.N. Start class?
A: Parents and caregivers have a huge influence on a child's eating habits. A caregiver may be a grandparent, a close relative, a nanny, or a teacher. Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with young children will benefit from the tools learned in the 4 week series (8-hour) L.E.A.N. Start Program.

Q: Who should take a L.E.A.N. Essentials class?
A: The L.E.A.N. Essentials Program is a 2-hour highlight of the in-depth L.E.A.N. Start Program. It's a great class for those who are either skeptical about the importance of nutrition for children, or those who aren't able to attend the 4 week series (8-hour) L.E.A.N. Start program. Lots of dads attend the L.E.A.N. Essentials class. Parents also send their child's babysitters and grandparents, to get them “on board” with the family's healthier lifestyle.

Q: What makes the L.E.A.N. Programs effective?
The L.E.A.N. Programs are taught to the parents--not to the children. The parents are the ones who buy the groceries, prepare the meals, and model the eating behaviors for their children. Children cannot be expected to make positive changes on their own. Teaching these skills to the parents has been the key to the success of the L.E.A.N. Programs.

Additionally, the L.E.A.N. Programs teach parents simple and fun ways to help their children think about food choices. Parents participate in hands-on activities that they take home to share with their families. In the L.E.A.N. Start program, parents and caregivers set weekly goals, then return to class to share their "highs" and "lows" with other participants. At the end of the program, they are ready and able to make lasting, positive changes for their family.

Q: How are the classes structured?

A: In the L.E.A.N. Start and L.E.A.N. Essentials classes you will have guided discussions with other parents and caregivers who want to learn the best nutrition for their children. You will meet Dr. Sears in the DVD segments of L.E.A.N. Start and learn how to use your new tools at home. Both classes provide hands-on activities to share with your family. And you'll enjoy some healthy snack options, too! The class environment is casual and friendly, but structured.

Q: What are the costs for the classes?
A: The L.E.A.N. Start Program is a 8-hour class taught in four weekly sessions of two hours each. It includes a 72-page Parent and Caregivers Guide. The cost is $75 per person in a classroom setting.

The L.E.A.N. Essentials Program is a 2-hour class taught in one session. It includes an abbreviated booklet. The cost is $25 per person in a classroom session.

Private sessions-- for an entire family for example-- are available at an hourly rate.

Q: How many parents are in a class?
A: Each class has guided discussions and everyone is encouraged to participate. Each class is limited to 20 adults max.

Q: Who teaches the L.E.A.N. Programs?
A: The L.E.A.N. Programs are only available through Certified L.E.A.N. Coaches. Dr. Sears’ Certified L.E.A.N. Coaches come from a variety of backgrounds including education, nutrition, healthcare, fitness, childcare and more. Regardless of their background, they share a common passion to help children and families make realistic and positive changes in their lives. They are trained to help families develop a lifetime of healthy habits.

Q: Can I bring my children to class with me?
A: Children are not allowed to participate in the regularly scheduled L.E.A.N. classes. Children are at a different learning level than adults. They may also have high energy levels and short attention spans that create distractions for the rest of the class.

If you really want your child(ren) involved in the L.E.A.N. Program, consider private family instruction in your home. Please contact me to discuss your situation.

Classes geared specifically for children will be added to the class schedule in the future.

Q: Why should corporations consider offering L.E.A.N. Programs to their employees?
A: When children are sick, they can't go to daycare or school. That means mom or dad must stay home with them. In his practice, Dr. Sears observed that children who eat healthier get sick less often. That can translate into fewer sick leave days for employees, and reduced medical costs for health insurance plans.

In addition, parents are more likely to make behavioral changes for their children than for themselves. The principals taught in the L.E.A.N. Start Program apply to them as well as their children. Parents are encouraged to emulate the behavior or habits they expect from their children.

Q: What is the refund policy?

A: There are no refunds for missed classes. However, if an emergency prevents you from attending a class, I will work with you to re-schedule, please contact me as soon as possible.

If I have to cancel a class and will not be able to re-schedule, arrangements will be made for refunds.